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Hotel California of Blogs

As a member of the elite chosen group who's been awarded a mood disorder, I have enough trouble navigating life on days that are generally smooth. When the going gets tough, I usually end up in a heap on the floor.


You're probably wondering how you can qualify for a touch of madness too and I wish I could help but, unfortunately, the prerequisites are not published anywhere that I know about. The whole thing is probably handled by one of those secret societies we hear so much about these days.

Even without a mood disorder, you may find yourself teetering on the edge. Simply put, life comes hard and fast, and if you're not ready for it, your mood can go from sitting on top of the world to the bargain basement with no stops in between.

But fear not, my friends! I've found a way to navigate the absurdities of life and I'm here to share my secrets with you. You see, I've discovered that the key to surviving the constant barrage of life's demands is to find a bit of humor in it all. Like a beacon in the darkness, a good laugh can guide us through the darkest days.

That's why I write this blog, to share the moments of levity that I find in my daily life. From the ridiculous conversations I overhear on the bus, to the hilariously bad customer service I receive, I share it here on these pages. My hope is that by sharing my laughter, I can help you find a little bit of joy in your own life.

I don't want to give you the wrong idea; finding something to laugh about when you're up to your neck in the soup isn't always easy. But with a little experience, it gets easier, and when you can smile about it, you're in a better position to cope.

And so I write about my real life but try to emphasize the lighter side. My hope is that you will find something in what I write to make you smile too.

So come along for the ride, and let's explore the world of stupid humans together. Who knows, you might just find that the images and scenes I share will hold meaning for you too, and together we'll create a world that's more Zen than the usual reality.

Let me caution you that once you become accustomed to my world, there will be no going back. It's like the Hotel California of blogs, you can check out but you can never leave.