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What's Your Atlantis?

"Well, here we are again, Ms Wonder" I said, and I said it with not a little topspin.

"Where is that?" she asked while doing something to an eyebrow.

"Don't do that," I said. "Don't start that again, as though you don't know what I'm talking about."

"You mean the solstice?"

"I'm not talking about the solstice. It has nothing to do with longer nights and colder weather, although emotionally it does feel like the long, dark, teatime of the soul."

"Please tell me it's not about Straw Valley."

"Well, it is about Straw Valley affair and why not?

"I'm not familiar with the straw valley affair," she said.

"It's capitalized," I said. "and you are perfectly familiar with it."

"You're talking about the Straw Valley complex in the Commons," she said. "I thought it was closed."

"Oh no, no, no," I said. "Reopened some months ago and under new management. You wouldn't recognize the place. Well, you would, of course, but it's even better is what I mean. There's a wellness center in the Blake House and the restaurant has undergone a complete renovation to become the  Korean Vegan Palace."

"I doubt that but why are you telling me this?"

"Because," I said and then paused for theatrical breath, "the wellness center is talking to me about offering meditation and qigong classes in the courtyard again."

"Not that again," she said. Now, I know what you're thinking if you follow the ups and downs of Genome here on this slab of digital granite. You're probably thinking that the last bit of dialogue had the wrong tone. You're thinking that it lacked the rally-round element. And you're probably thinking that the Genome took it big. Well, you're right. I did.

"What do you mean, not that again?" I said raising my voice. "Bringing sweetness and light to the over-burdened hearts of the world is my calling. The courtyard of Straw Valley is my Atlantis. I'm going to teach meditation and qigong until my eyes bubble."

"That's the spirit!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, well I'm happy to know I have your approval."

"Always," she said.

"Thank you, Poopsie."

"Not at all," she said, and then giving me a questioning look she added, "You're not wearing khaki pants again?"

"Wonder Woman," I said.


"Let's not spoil the moment, shall we?"

"Suit yourself," she said.

"That's what I've done," I said. And with that I wished her a tinkerty-tonk and was out the door like a spinnaker under full sail.