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Summer Lightning

"Look at me!" I said to Ms. Wonder as we sat on the lanai on an afternoon so beautiful that it would have been offensive had someone recommended a self-improvement program. The sky was that special hue that we in the islands call Carolina blue. The clouds were white, puffy, and towering. The breeze was light, the humidity low, and the bluebirds were raising the bar with mood-lifting tunes. In short, it was a typical day in County Brunswick.
"What about you?" she said but she didn't ask it with any real pizazz. Still, I wisely decided to give it a pass and continue with my presentation while I had the floor.

"I'm living a new life; one day at a time in paradise," I said.

"Oh, really?" she said.

"Don't do that," I said.

"Do what?"

"You know what I mean," I said. "Don't use that tone of voice that says you've heard it all before. It's different this time. I've had 5 full days of normalcy and it's all because of my new attitude."

"You do seem a bit chipper," she said, "but I've seen this before. What makes you think this is a new beginning?"

"Because I've got Princess Amy on board," I said.

"Get out!" she said with full incandescence because when she placed her hands on my chest and pushed, I fell base over apex across the potted palm causing Sagi, the caramel-colored tabby to give me a wide-eyed stare similar to the one that Hamlet must have given his father's ghost.

Once, I picked myself up and dusted myself off, I raised myself to full height and stared down with bruised dignity. I saw in her eyes that she felt remorse for my tumble even though it was clearly unintended on her part. This, I reasoned, gave me the high ground.

"I'm feeling good about it," I said.

"Of course," she said, "and you should."

She had a new attitude, of course. I continued with renewed vigor. Is it vigor? I think that's the word.

"Yes, sir, feeling good from my head to my shoes," I said.

"I think I know where this is going," she said with an apologetic smile.

"Yes," I said, "it was a difficult lesson to learn, but the wires are now uncrossed and the tables are turned in my favor."

"Any worries?" she said.

"Very few," I said. "Why worry when I've got you?"

"Be ready," she said, "because you know that dark skies and rain will come."

"Life comes hard and fast," I said. "The only thing that's changed is me, not the world I live in. Tears will come but what do I care as long as I have you?"

I was on a roll and it felt good. I continued.

"I think I've changed for good," I said. "A brand new attitude. Obstacles will come but we'll get by, as long as we have each other."

With that said, she gave me a little punch on the arm. A playful little punch but due to my standing on one leg at the time and the loud report from a nearby thundercloud, I took another tumble.

She couldn't hold back this time. She laughed like a paper bag exploding.