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Year of the Tiger

You probably will be a little surprised to hear me say it, and it's something I don't like to say, but I can think of no other way to express how I'm feeling. I'm pissed!

You know all about Princess Amy by now and you know that I try to take all her shenanigans in stride--keeping the chest out, the chin up, and the upper lip stiff. It's how my father taught me to handle the disappointments of life. 

I had come to believe that I'd reached an age of decline, an age of degeneration; an age of failing. It was a bitter pill after a full life of exercise, martial arts, constant movement. This state of despair was brought on by Princess Amy, of course, but you knew that already.

Recently, remembering to face my fears like Mump's mom taught me, I've had a change of attitude: I now see my age as one of fulfillment, one of completeness, one of attainment.

And so, dear reader, I will no longer feel lost and forgotten, I will instead face the Sewer Harpies full frontal -- no not full frontal because in that there is loss; I will instead face them obliquely and use their energies to rise above them. 

You may not remember the Harpies. It's been a while since they figured into one of my missives. When I say Sewer Harpies, I refer to the Morrigan, the three sisters who mess about with the well-laid plans of mice and men. Mabd, Macha, and Nemain are their names and heinous ranygazoo is their game.

Well, I'm tired of the same old story repeating itself like a scratched LP. I've had it. Enough is enough. I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. 

Gird your loins for battle. Today we take on the Sewer Harpies in the first step of executing my Evil Plan for World Domination.

This year, 2022, is The Year of the Tiger in Chinese reckoning and it will be The Big Year for Genome. Stay with me. Follow this blog closely and, if you sometimes encounter the same obstacles that I face, you could benefit from some of the principles that I practice. I joke around a lot but going forward I will outline the principles more clearly. You will be amazed. 

Fierce Qigong!