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I Thought About You

I thought about you on my walk this morning.

I always think of you when I'm there. We never got the chance to walk there together But I think of you when I'm there anyway.

I wrote your name in the sand and I drew a big, balloon heart above your name. I answered a phone call only to pull myself out of the deep grief I felt because you couldn't be there with me. I later regretted taking the call because it kept me from connecting with you. 

But then I realized that you weren't there to connect with me anyway. It was only your name written in the sand.

Tomorrow your name will be gone, blown away by the wind, but I will return and I'll think of you and I will, once again, write your name in the sand and draw a big, balloon heart above your name. I will continue this little ritual always.

Because I love you and I miss you. Always.