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Saving the Children

Several years ago I suffered from a disease that had plagued me for most of my life. When the symptoms began, they amounted to an annoying level of pain that I was able to pass off as an inconvenience. Over the years, the level of pain increased and sometimes kept me away from activities that I enjoyed.

I considered the affliction to be something specific to me, that I was defective in some way. I thought it was something I would just have to life with. In fact, one of the doctors treating me as a young man told me that the symptoms would get worse and that I’d just have to get used to it.

Then one day, I met a man who said that I didn’t have to live like that any more. He told me of his experience with the same symptoms and he told me that it was a medical condition that could be improved, if not cured completely.

Knowing that help was available changed my life. I sought that help immediately and it has made all the difference. The improvement in quality of my life is immeasurable and it is due entirely to one person making me aware that help was available.

 Georgio, the man who contributed time and expertise to get the plane air-worthy again in Athens.

There are thousands of children suffering from cancer today. St. Jude Children’s Hospital is saving children from some of the same types of cancer that take the lives of many. How many of those same children could be saved if only their parents or others in their communities knew about St. Jude Hospital.

Getting help from St. Jude Hospital doesn’t require that the patient be insured. It doesn’t depend on the family having lots of money. Getting help only depends upon the family knowing that help is available.

Consider the following:
  • Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing and food--because all a family should worry about is helping their child survive.
  • Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 percent to more than 80 percent.
  • St. Jude freely shares their medical breakthroughs with doctors and scientists worldwide so the knowledge can be used to save thousands more children.
  • Because the of St. Jude funding comes from individual contributors, the doctors hae the freedom to focus on what matters most--saving kids regardless of their financial situation.

The flight crew of Flight For Life is circling the globe right now to get the message to as many people as they can reach. Their effort is getting media attention, sometimes local, sometimes national, and most of the people they talk to have never heard of St. Jude Children’s Hospital.

Flight For Life is getting the word out and that’s all it takes sometimes to change someone’s life in immeasurable ways. Each member of the crew is spending his own money to pay for the round-the-world flight. Your donations go to support the work of St. Jude Hospital and to make the services available to those children who so desperately need it.

Make your donation today at